Palmer Chair in Telecommunications Director of the X-Lab
Rural Broadband Access, Cybersecurity, Cyber Policy
Distinguished Professor of Human Development and Family Studies Director for the Social Science Research Institute Associate Director for the Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Family Dynamics, Family Gender Dynamics, Sibling Relationships
Associate Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Carey Memorial Early Career Professor in the Arts Director of SOFTLAB@PSU
Computational textiles, Human computing interaction, Design
Professor of Agricultural and Regional Economics Director of the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development
Regional and Rural Economic Development, Regional Food Systems, Self-Employment, Poverty, Buy-Local Trend, Opioid Epidemic
Professor of Marketing Frank and Mary Smeal Research Fellow
Consumer Behavior, Charitable Giving, Sustainable Behavior
Director, Population Research Institute Roy C. Buck Professor of Sociology and Demography
Census, Demography, Population Research
Co-director of the Media Effects Research Laboratory
Emotional and cognitive effects of media, media portrayals, media violence, reality television and stereotyping.
Clinical Professor of International Business Director of the Center for Global Business Studies
Government Policy, Economic Sanctions, Tariffs, Taxes, Global Economy
James P. Jimirro Professor of Media Effects Director, Center for Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence Co-Director, Media Effects Research Laboratory
Misinformation, Social Media, Human-Robotic Interaction, Artificial Intelligence
Director, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences Evan Pugh Professor of Biology and Entomology
Ecology, Evolutionary Genetics, Infectious Disease
Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies
Social Disparities in Stress, Health, Mortality
Associate Professor of Geography and African Studies
Social Movements, Critical Race Theory, Political Economy, Urban Geography
Professor of History
American history, Foreign relations, Political history, Obscenity regulation
Dean of the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications Professor of Journalism
News Literacy, Woman in Media, Title IX, Sports Journalism
Professor of Education and Demography
School segregation, Racial inequality, Civil rights, School choice, Education policy, Diversity in education
Associate Professor of Political Science and African American Studies
Race, Ethnicity and Politics; Gender and Politics; Participation, Voting and Public Opinion; American Politics
Evan Pugh Professor of Psychology and Human Development and Family Studies Director, Child Study Center
Child Social-Emotional Development, Design and Evaluation of School-Based programs, Child-Clinical Psychology
Assistant Professor of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management
Human Behavior, Well-Being, Nature-Based Recreation
Professor of Biology and Alumni Professor in the Biological Sciences Faculty member in the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics
COVID-19 Projection Models, Ecology, Theoretical Ecology, Infectious Disease Dynamics, Global Warming, Climate Change, Computational Biology
Associate Professor of Sociology, Labor & Employment Relations, and Women's Studies Research Associate, Population Research Institute
unemployment, labor, work, family, women, gender
Executive Director, The Center for Collegiate Mental Health Co-Interim Senior Director, Center for Counseling and Psychological Services
Mental Health, Collegiate Mental Health, Mental Health Concerns, Mental Health Impacts
Assistant professor, College of Information Sciences and Technology Faculty affiliate, Center for Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence
online privacy, agency, kids and social media, datafication
Professor of Economics Head of the Department of Economics
Russian economy, Russian energy, and the Ukrainian economy.
​Penn State has a wide range of faculty experts who are readily available to give insight on the evolving and ongoing economic, political, cultural and legal impacts of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
Explore Available ResourcesProfessor of History, Anthropology, and Religious Studies
Ukrainian history, politics of religion in Ukraine
Huck Chair in Biomedical Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence Director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Lab
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Sciences, Algorithms
Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
Artificial Intelligence, Applied Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Big Data Analytics, Visual Analytics
Documentary filmmaking, Storytelling, Israel, Holocaust, History, Education
Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Behavioral Sciences and Education
Assessment and treatment of problem behavior, Behavioral economics, Media coverage of mass shooters, Autism
Ann Atherton Hertzler Early Career Professor in Health and Human Development Assistant professor of Human Development and Family Studies
Racial and Gender Disparities in Substance Abuse Treatment
Associate Professor of Economics Director of the Economic Research Institute of Erie
Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Film Production and Media Studies Director, News Literacy Initiative
News Literacy, Fake News, Media, Journalism, Film
Professor of History and Bioethics
Social Sciences, Humanities, History of UFO Sightings
Professor of Labor and Employment Relations
Social Sciences, Labor and Employment Relations
Penn State researchers are available to discuss issues related to business and the economy at the local, state, national and international levels on topics such as the impact of immigration on the economy, inflation, cryptocurrency, unemployment, unions and labor organizing, and more.
Explore Available ResourcesPenn State has a wide range of experts looking at issues like substance use disorder, reproductive rights, gun violence and mass shootings.
Our experts are experienced in speaking with journalists to explain these complex issues to a general audience.
Explore Available ResourcesIssues of national security are top-of-mind for voters this election cycle, as Americans have expressed increasing anxiety over illegal immigration and terrorism over the past year, according to Gallup. Penn State has experts who can put these complex topics into perspective, including explaining the impact of immigration on the U.S and how threats of political violence emerge.