Dongwon Lee is professor of information sciences and technology at Penn State. His research addresses topics at the intersection of data science, machine learning and cybersecurity and their social applications and security implications. Recent research has focused on the study of mis/disinformation and other forms of cyber frauds/fakes.
Lee is an Association for Computing Machinery distinguished member and the recipient of the 2022 Fulbright Cyber Security Scholar Award. Before joining Penn State, he worked at AT&T Bell Labs. From 2015 to 2017 he served as a program director at the National Science Foundation, co-managing cybersecurity education and research programs of national priorities with a yearly budget of $55 million.
People Change Personas for Social Media Sites
from Financial Tribune April 17, 2017
Can a Mathematical Model Detect Fake News? Two Penn State Professors Want to Find Out
from EdSurge November 10, 2017
Fake News and Big Data: Two professors work to combat viral lies
from Daily Collegian November 3, 2017
Guess My Age, Instagram Edition
from The Atlantic July 14, 2016
What you post on Instagram can basically reveal how old you are
from Washington Post July 15, 2016
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