Distinguished Professor of Human Development and Family Studies Director for the Social Science Research Institute Associate Director for the Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Family Dynamics, Family Gender Dynamics, Sibling Relationships
Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Affiliated Faculty of the The Rock Ethics Institute
Alternative Packaging and Food Handling, Sustainability, Ethics and Bioethics
Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology Director, Center for Pollinator Research, Insect Biodiversity Center Associate Director for Research, Institute for Sustainable Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science
Pollinators, Honey Bees, Social Insects
Willaman Professor of Biology
Infectious Diseases, Genes, Immune response, Biodiversity, Pathogens, Population, Ecosystem, Parasites
Director, Population Research Institute Roy C. Buck Professor of Sociology and Demography
Census, Demography, Population Research
Director of the Food Decisions Research Laboratory
Economic Roles of Hospitality and Tourism, Ethics of Food Access in Schools, Economics of Food Decisions
Professor of Food Science Head, Department of Food Science
Microbiology of Dairy Products, Food Safety
Director, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences Evan Pugh Professor of Biology and Entomology
Ecology, Evolutionary Genetics, Infectious Disease
Professor of Entomology and Disease Epidemiology
Infectious disease dynamics, Host/Pathogen interactions, Pathogen transmission dynamics
Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies
Social Disparities in Stress, Health, Mortality
Professor and Huck Scholar in Entomology
Biology and Evolution of Viruses
Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics Associate Professor of Biology
Public Health, Quantitative Epidemiology, Population Ecology, Statistics, Computational and Mathematical Biology
Associate Professor of Nutritional Sciences
Childhood Obesity, Healthy Eating, Children's Eating Behavior
Associate Professor of Food Science Director, Sensory Evaluation Center
COVID-19 and Loss of Taste and Smell, Bitterness of Pharmaceuticals, Food Preferences and Behavior
Associate Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Early Career Chair in Virology
Viruses, Influenza, Avian Influenza, Vaccines, Vaccine Study, Antibodies, Infection
Associate Professor of Biology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Viruses, Human Herpesvirus 1, Neurons, Genome, Proteins, Infection, Population
Evan Pugh Professor of Psychology and Human Development and Family Studies Director, Child Study Center
Child Social-Emotional Development, Design and Evaluation of School-Based programs, Child-Clinical Psychology
Professor of Practice in the Department of Supply Chain and Information Systems
Supply Chain Strategic Planning and Implementation, Global Enterprise Leadership
Infectious disease physician
Clinical Aspects of COVID-19, Infectious Diseases, Pandemics, Human Influenza, Vaccines
Professor and Chair, Department of Humanities Professor, Public Health Sciences
Vaccination Hesitancy, Breastfeeding Controversies in American Culture, Transsexualism and the Idea of Gender
Distinguished Professor of Health Policy and Administration
Health Policy, Administration, Health Maintenance Organization, Quality of Healthcare
Assistant Professor of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management
Human Behavior, Well-Being, Nature-Based Recreation
Assistant Professor of Biology
COVID-19 Variants, Pathogen Evolution, Drug and Vaccine Resistance
Professor of Biology and Alumni Professor in the Biological Sciences Faculty member in the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics
COVID-19 Projection Models, Ecology, Theoretical Ecology, Infectious Disease Dynamics, Global Warming, Climate Change, Computational Biology
Associate Professor of Sociology, Labor & Employment Relations, and Women's Studies Research Associate, Population Research Institute
unemployment, labor, work, family, women, gender
Executive Director, The Center for Collegiate Mental Health Co-Interim Senior Director, Center for Counseling and Psychological Services
Mental Health, Collegiate Mental Health, Mental Health Concerns, Mental Health Impacts
Huck Chair in Biomedical Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence Director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Lab
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Sciences, Algorithms
Associate Teaching Professor of Biobehavioral Health, Penn State Harrisburg Director, Douglas W. Pollock Center for Addiction Outreach and Research
Addiction, Opioid Epidemic, Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse, High-Risk Health Behaviors
Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Behavioral Sciences and Education
Assessment and treatment of problem behavior, Behavioral economics, Media coverage of mass shooters, Autism
Ann Atherton Hertzler Early Career Professor in Health and Human Development Assistant professor of Human Development and Family Studies
Racial and Gender Disparities in Substance Abuse Treatment
Professor of Labor and Employment Relations
Social Sciences, Labor and Employment Relations
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