Martin Bucknavage is an experienced food professional with technical management experience in the food manufacturing industry and food science instructional experience in higher education. He is skilled in food safety, quality management, research and development (R&D), food processing, and food science.
Bucknavage’s expertise includes food safety training, control of food spoilage and foodborne pathogens, and food supply chain including, supplier control, traceability and recall.
Your Coronavirus Buying Habits Are Ruining The Grocery Supply Chain
from Delish April 22, 2020
Supply Chain 101: What Happens When Our Food Supply Is Disrupted by a Pandemic?
from How Stuff Works May 11, 2020
Why Thanksgiving is the most dangerous holiday in America
from The Daily Mail November 21, 2018
"We hold 15 to 20 food safety classes per year and at least one person raises their hand when we ask if they've gotten sick," said Bucknavage.
We should be eating medium-rare pork
from The TakeOut August 22, 2018
“I think a lot of pork has tended to be overcooked, and that traces back to when trichinella was considered a huge issue in pork. Most people grew up on pork being traditionally overcooked, even myself,” Martin Bucknavage, senior food safety extension associate at Penn State’s Department Of Food Science, tells The Takeout. “When it comes to pork, a lot of people don’t even use a thermometer, they just cook the hell out of it.”
Local officials give advice as salmonella outbreaks continue nationwide
from WJAC July 23, 2018
"When it comes to salmonella, we've had some issues out there but a lot of it, for the consumer, comes down to that you handle food properly and you prepare food properly," Penn State Food Safety Extension associate Martin Bucknavage said.
Why do we eat raw fish and beef, but not raw chicken?
from The TakeOut July 11, 2018
“Depending on the strain, salmonella can be highly infectious, requiring only a small number of cells to be present to cause illness. So it can be extremely difficult to extract meat without having pathogens present.” - Martin Bucknavage
‘Sell By’ or what? US pushes for clarity on expiration dates
from Associated Press June 6, 2019
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