Dennis Jett is a former American ambassador who joined the School of International Affairs after a career in the U.S. Foreign Service that spanned 28 years and three continents. His experience and expertise focus on international relations, foreign aid administration and American foreign policy. Immediately prior to joining Penn State, he was dean of the International Center at the University of Florida for eight years.
Here’s why the Greenland situation is being handled by a chiropractor
from The Washington Post August 22, 2019
When relations with a traditional U.S. ally hit a rough patch, it is always good to have a capable ambassador on the scene to attempt to smooth things over. One who has extensive experience in dealing with subluxation, for instance, can help get the bilateral relationship realigned in no time.
Trump Is Far More Embarrassing to the U.S. Than the Iran Nuclear Deal Is
from Fortune September 20, 2017
The Future of UN Peacekeepers in Lebanon
from Foreign Affairs September 26, 2017
The Confederate Flag Is Not the Only Symbol of Racism that People Try to Whitewash
from Huffington Post July 8, 2016
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